Dear readers,
Every so often I come across people who are kind and thoughtful, that it makes one feel important and... The owners of this shop called "Wild Birds Unlimited here in the Tulsa area, have opened up their hearts to me. Their shop is located at 61st and Yale, in the Kings point Shopping Center. For their anniversary they hired me to come and play for their devoted customers and friends. I remember well the reaction of one lady in particular. She was so excited to hear the soothing melodies that she purchased several of my CDs.
One gentleman drove all the way from Pryor, OK. He shared with me how he practically wore my CD out. He picked up several more and I signed them for him.
This is a very unique shop indeed! They have some of the most amazing bird houses, bird feeders, bird baths, wind chimes, bird seed, and many other gift items for the yard and garden, that you need to stop in and tell them Daniel sent you.
Thanks for your support. Remember that you are special and loved.