Broken-hearted is the one that has been crushed by wicked and cruel men.
Such is the case in a movie we watched tonight. So many men thrown off the train and left for dead. Is there any hope? Is there any comfort and joy.
Yes, there is someone that will come to our defense. His arm can bend a bow of bronze. He is a refuge to the weary, and a shelter to the oppressed. His name is Jesus and He came to seek and save those who are lost. Just like a good Shepherd that searches for a lost lamb until he finds it.
You may not know you are lost. You may think you are on the right path. Many are blinded by their own pride and selfishness. May your blinds fall away, so that you may see...
Attend into His Word, For...
His Word is the Bread of Life, so why not fill your heart and mind with His Word, And join in confessing with me — "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."
Be encouraged my friend. Be renewed in His love. Be filled with the Spirit. Lift up your eyes and see that He is by your side. And pray with me;
"Father in Heaven, you are the God above all gods. There is none like you.
We lift up our voices to the sky, and call out to you... deliver us from evil, grant us success that we might bring glory to Your Holy Name. Heal our broken hearts and comfort our hurting souls. Set the captives free. Father, forgive us as we forgive those who have sinned against us. Thank you for hearing our prayer. In the name of Jesus, amen!!